"Happiness is the key to success !"

воскресенье, 13 октября 2024 г.

Karl Schmidt: The Legendary Mayor Who Transformed Chișinău

 Today we will talk about a person whose name is forever linked to the history and development of our city — Carol Schmidt (1846–1928). In the photo — the monument of this remarkable mayor of Chișinău, who held his position from 1877 to 1903. During this period, he managed to make an invaluable contribution to the development of the city and lay the foundation for its future prosperity. Thanks to his vision and hard work, Chișinău transformed from a provincial town into a prosperous and dynamic city, becoming the center of cultural and economic life in Bessarabia.

Carol Schmidt, a descendant of Bessarabian Germans, dedicated his life to serving Chișinău and its residents. During his term, the city underwent significant changes and modernization. Under Schmidt's leadership, new roads were actively built, infrastructure was developed, parks were arranged, and important city buildings were erected. Thanks to him, Chișinău benefited from improved water supply and sewage systems, as well as street lighting. He also introduced the first tram lines, which significantly improved transportation accessibility in the city and contributed to its further growth and development. These changes made the city more comfortable for living and more attractive for business and cultural activities.

Carol Schmidt paid great attention to the development of education and culture. He founded several schools, including the Royal School and the Girls' Gymnasium of Princess Natalia Dadiani. Thanks to his efforts, many children had access to education, which contributed to the cultural and intellectual growth of society. During his tenure, the city's first museum was founded, and art exhibitions were organized, contributing to the development of culture and art in Chișinău. The city's first public monument, dedicated to Alexander Pushkin, was also installed with his support, which was a significant step in the perpetuation of cultural heritage. The cultural life of the city flourished significantly due to these efforts, and Chișinău became known as a center of education and art.

A particularly important aspect was Schmidt's involvement in supporting the Jewish community during the tragic pogrom of 1903. The pogrom, which lasted two days, led to the death of at least 49 Jews and the injury of hundreds of people, as well as significant destruction of Jewish property. Despite the lack of intervention from the Russian imperial authorities, Schmidt personally took action to protect Jewish families, offering them shelter in his home and refuge to those fleeing violence and destruction. Although his efforts were limited by the passive or even complicit stance of many city officials and the police, his personal attempts to protect Jewish lives were noted in various accounts of the events of that time. These events left a deep mark on the city's history, and his actions demonstrate his humanity and desire to help those in need. They also highlight his moral qualities and courage in defending those who were in danger, making his figure even more significant for the history of Chișinău.

Carol Schmidt was buried in the Central Cemetery of Chișinău, but his grave has been lost to this day. As early as 1937, writer Gheorghe Bezviconi mentioned that the great mayor's grave had been neglected, with only a modest wooden cross that eventually decayed. As a result, the grave ceased to be identifiable, and today the exact location of Schmidt's burial cannot be found. According to some sources, the grave was located where the "Gaudeamus" cinema building stands today. In 2011, it was proposed to install a commemorative stone in this place to honor the memory of Carol Schmidt and architect Alexandr Bernardazzi, who is also believed to have been buried there. These proposals demonstrate the recognition of their contribution to the city's development and the desire to preserve their memory for future generations. Restoring the memory of such remarkable personalities as Schmidt and Bernardazzi helps preserve the historical identity of the city and inspires continuous development.

Carol Schmidt and Alexandr Bernardazzi undoubtedly deserve for their burial places to be marked and commemorated. Both made an invaluable contribution to the development of Chișinău and its architecture. Carol Schmidt, as mayor, modernized the city, developed infrastructure, and created conditions for its growth as a cultural and economic center. Alexandr Bernardazzi was a remarkable architect whose projects, such as the municipal council buildings, still beautify Chișinău and make it recognizable to this day. Bernardazzi's architecture became a symbol of the city, giving it a unique appearance that attracts tourists' attention and is a source of pride for local residents. These two great men made a huge contribution to the development of the city, and their work continues to influence the appearance and spirit of Chișinău.

To pay tribute to these personalities, marking their burial places may include the following steps:

  • Installation of commemorative signs. Even if the exact locations of the graves have not been preserved, commemorative stones or plaques can be installed at the supposed burial sites. This would be a symbolic act of recognition of their merits towards the city and a reminder of the importance of their work. Such commemorative signs could become a place where people would come to pay tribute and learn more about their contribution to the development of Chișinău. Installing commemorative signs can also serve an educational purpose, reminding future generations of significant pages in the city's history.

  • Creation of a memorial park or area. If the area around the lost graves is already built up (for example, as in the case of the place where the "Gaudeamus" cinema is now located), a small memorial square or area dedicated to Schmidt and Bernardazzi can be created, with informational plaques telling about their contribution to the city's development. Such a park would not only be a symbol of respect but also a place where residents and visitors of the city could relax and learn more about its history. This place would become an important element of urban infrastructure, combining cultural heritage with a recreational space.

  • Museum or information center. If the restoration of the graves is not possible, a museum or small information center can be created that tells in detail about the activities and lives of these two remarkable personalities. This would attract not only local residents but also tourists interested in the history of Chișinău. Such a center could include photographs, documents, and other artifacts related to their lives and work, creating a living link between the city's past and present. Exhibits could include interactive elements to make history more accessible and interesting for young people.

  • Virtual memorialization. Using modern technologies, such as augmented reality (AR), can allow for the virtual recreation of the graves or show what these places looked like in the past. This could become part of guided city tours and allow residents and visitors of the city to delve deeper into its history. Virtual tours and interactive applications can make information more accessible and interesting for young people, contributing to the preservation of historical memory. Technologies can help not only in restoring memory of the past but also in creating new ways of interacting with history, making it more vivid and tangible.

The energy and dedication of Carol Schmidt made him one of the most beloved and successful mayors in the city's history. His contribution is still felt today — in the development of infrastructure, comfortable urban parks, and educational institutions, of which we continue to be proud. In 2014, in honor of Schmidt, a bust was installed near his former residence, reminding us of his importance to Chișinău and that love for one's city can change its destiny. Similar initiatives, such as the installation of the bust, help preserve the memory of those who made our city better and inspire further work to improve the life of the city and its residents. It is important to remember and honor those who dedicated their lives to improving our city and to do everything possible to ensure their contribution is not forgotten.

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