"Happiness is the key to success !"

понедельник, 14 октября 2024 г.

Chișinău 2050: Planning for a Growing City

 The analysis of the projected population growth of Chișinău for the years 2030, 2040, and 2050 requires consideration of current demographic trends, the level of urbanization, and migration flows.

Population Growth Forecast:

  • 2030: The population is expected to reach approximately 750,000 people, considering natural growth and possible immigration.

  • 2040: If current trends continue, the population could increase to 800,000 people.

  • 2050: By this date, the population could reach approximately 850,000 people.

These forecasts are approximate and depend on many factors, including economic development, social policy, and the level of urbanization.

Analysis of Territories within the Current City Limits with Approximate Areas:

The total area of Chișinău is approximately 12,300 hectares (123 square kilometers).

The distribution of land by destination can be approximately as follows:

  • Industrial zones: approximately 1,800 hectares (about 15% of the total area).

  • Communal and storage zones: approximately 1,200 hectares (about 10%).

  • Military and special zones: approximately 600 hectares (about 5%).

  • Residential areas: approximately 4,920 hectares (about 40%).

  • Commercial and administrative zones: approximately 1,230 hectares (about 10%).

  • Recreation and green spaces: approximately 1,845 hectares (about 15%).

  • Infrastructure (roads, communications): approximately 705 hectares (about 5%).

Distribution of Land for Development:

  • Preservation for production: It is important to preserve sufficient areas for the development of industry and production, especially technological and ecological sectors, which will contribute to economic growth and job creation.

    • Industrial zones: It is recommended to preserve about 60% of these lands for the development of modern production capacities. This represents approximately 1,080 hectares.

    • Communal and storage zones: Preserving about 50%, which represents approximately 600 hectares, to support production and commercial activities.

  • Reconfiguration and reorganization: Some outdated communal and industrial zones can be reconfigured for the construction of new residential complexes, administrative buildings, commercial centers, sports facilities, and public objectives.

    • Industrial zones: The remaining 40% (approximately 720 hectares) can be reconfigured for residential, commercial, and public construction.

    • Communal and storage zones: The remaining 50% (approximately 600 hectares) can also be used for new development projects.

Total Land Available for Reconfiguration:

Total area for reconfiguration: approximately 1,320 hectares (720 ha + 600 ha).

Location of Objectives in the Bâc River Meadow and Adjacent Areas:

The Bâc River meadow and adjacent areas have development potential, but it is necessary to consider:

  • Ecological risks: Meadow zones are susceptible to flooding, so constructions must be accompanied by engineering solutions for flood protection.

  • Ecological value: Preserving natural landscapes and ecosystems is important for the city's ecological balance.

  • Infrastructure costs: Developing these areas will require investments in infrastructure, including roads, communications, and drainage systems.

  • Development potential: It is estimated that approximately 300-400 hectares of land can be used here for the creation of parks, recreational areas, as well as limited residential and commercial development, considering ecological restrictions.

Analysis of Land Sufficiency to Ensure Population Growth until 2050:

To determine whether the available land will be sufficient to accommodate the projected population growth of Chișinău by 2050, a detailed analysis is needed, considering various factors: population growth, housing needs, infrastructure, and other public objectives.

  1. Projected Population Growth:

    • Current population (2023): approximately 700,000 people.

    • Forecast for 2050: 850,000 people.

    • Population growth: 850,000 - 700,000 = 150,000 people.

  2. Housing Needs:

    • Average household size in Moldova: approximately 3 people per household.

    • Number of new households needed: 150,000 people / 3 people/household = 50,000 households.

  3. Area Needed for Residential Development:

    • Residential development density:

      • High density (apartment buildings): 100-150 apartments per hectare.

      • Medium density (mixed development): 60-80 apartments per hectare.

    • Choosing medium density for comfortable living: 80 apartments per hectare.

    • Area needed for housing: 50,000 households / 80 apartments/ha = 625 ha.

  4. Additional Land for Infrastructure and Public Objectives:

    • Land development coefficient: usually 1:1, meaning that for each hectare of residential development, approximately one hectare of infrastructure and public spaces is needed.

    • Area for infrastructure and public objectives: 625 ha × 1 = 625 ha.

  5. Total Area Needed:

    • 625 ha (housing) + 625 ha (infrastructure) = 1,250 ha.

  6. Comparison with Available Land:

    • Land available for development:

      • Reconfigured industrial and communal zones: ~1,320 ha.

      • Areas in the Bâc River meadow and adjacent: 300-400 ha.

    • Total available area: 1,620-1,720 ha.

  7. Analysis of Land Sufficiency:

    • Area needed for population growth until 2050: 1,250 ha.

    • Area available for development: 1,620-1,720 ha.

    • Reserve area: 1,620 ha - 1,250 ha = 370 ha (minimum reserve, considering the lower limit of available area).


The available land within the current limits of Chișinău will be sufficient to accommodate the projected population growth until 2050. Moreover, there is a reserve area (approximately 370-470 ha), which can be used for additional purposes:

  • Development of green areas and parks to improve the ecological environment.

  • Creation of new educational, medical, and cultural institutions.

  • Development of commercial and business centers to stimulate economic growth.

  • Innovative projects (e.g., technology parks, research centers).

Additional Factors to Consider:

  • Development Density: Applying modern architectural solutions can increase density without compromising quality of life.

  • Transport Infrastructure: An efficient transport network must be ensured for new areas.

  • Ecological Sustainability: Special attention must be given to preserving natural areas, especially in the Bâc River meadow.


  1. Comprehensive Planning:

    • Develop a master plan that considers all aspects of urban development.

    • Implement principles of sustainable development and energy efficiency.

  2. Social Infrastructure:

    • Plan a sufficient number of schools, kindergartens, medical institutions.

    • Ensure access to public spaces and cultural objectives.

  3. Ecological Measures:

    • Preserve and develop green areas.

    • Implement water and air purification systems.

    • Use renewable energy sources.

  4. Economic Development:

    • Create conditions to attract investments.

    • Develop small and medium enterprises.

    • Promote innovation and technological development.


Through a careful and well-thought-out approach to urban land planning, Chișinău will be able not only to accommodate the growing population until 2050 but also to improve the quality of life of residents, stimulate economic growth, and maintain ecological balance.

Note: All figures presented are estimates and require clarification based on detailed studies and current data. It is recommended to conduct a detailed analysis with the participation of specialists in urban planning, demography, and economics to develop an optimal city development strategy.

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